Thursday, January 03, 2008

It's been many moons...

Hello again. It is now a new year. I am enjoying staying at home with my kids. The weather has been terribly cold the last few days. However, Kurt tells me that a warm up is on the way this weekend. Thank goodness. Our well-insulated house (said with sarcasm) does not stay heated when it is very windy. The kids are napping right now so I have time to share some thoughts. Life goes faster as we get older. I am convinced of it. Seems just yesterday we were waiting for our baby girl to arrive and now Brooklyn is already 4 months old. Bennett is swiftly becoming an independent boy at the age of 3. Some days he thinks he knows more than his parents. I am sure that will happen more and more as he grows up. I pray it will not be too fast though. I want to enjoy my children every day God has given to us and them.

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