Thursday, October 02, 2008

Ahh... the change of seasons

Well I have my first cold of the fall season. It hit me pretty hard. I have slept with the vaporizer 2 nights in a row now. It has helped some. Thank goodness for medicine also. My sinuses feel better for the first time in 2 days.

Bennett's finger seems to be doing well. We check it out on Monday. Hopefully he won't throw a fit about it. He doesn't like us to touch it.

The tree fort is still waiting for Kurt to nail up the last base board. Suddenly harvest has begun and there is no time for anything else. Oh well. It will get done eventually.

We were hoping to go camping this weekend but it doesn't look like it will work. So we will clean out the camper and get it ready to store for the winter. This winter it looks like we will be able to store it inside. Yeah!

The weather has been enjoyable during the day lately so I have been doing some flower rearranging outside. Moved my hollyhocks yesterday afternoon. Also planted some new flowers from mom in the flower bed by the house.

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