Saturday, January 02, 2016

New Family

We are one of the new families at church.

Yes, you may have known us as acquaintances for quite some time. We are not new to the area. However, situations at our old church caused us to move on. We found that we felt somewhat at home in this church. It will take some time to get used to calling it "our church."

The hardest part about leaving a church you have attended your whole life is the fact that you lose your relationships as well. Friends you spoke to weekly become people you used to know. Passing them on the street becomes awkward - should I say hi or just pretend I don't see them? There is a sense of mourning the loss of those close friends.

Yet, we have made new acquaintances. Those who say "hi" to us on Sunday. People who ask how we are doing. It is nice to have.

What you don't see is the loneliness we often hide. We see the groups of friends that get together occasionally for a good time. We long to feel a part of something fun like that. It is hard to be on the outside.

Getting involved in church activities has helped us get to know some people. Yet there is still a separation between church gatherings and actually being invited to gather outside of the building.

We are hoping the day will come when this church truly feels like our "home", and we belong in the "family."

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