Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Kick em when they're down

Well. Where to begin. I see it has been awhile since my last post. I am now 16 weeks pregnant. I have also had a terrible cold for about 3 weeks now. It started as a sore throat and cough, moved into my sinuses resulting in a sinus infection, moved into my chest and now has caused me to have pleuracy which makes it feel like my ribs are broken on my left side. When I cough, I want to pass out from the pain. Life is great. I can't take very much medicine since I am pregnant, which makes it hard for me to get over this. I am so ready to be well again. If it ever happens. I have lost 10 pounds as as result of this. I don't recommend this diet by the way.

We had another snowstorm today and it sounds like we are supposed to get some more tomorrow. Winter rears it's ugly head again. Spring will be very welcome here. Bennett can't wait to use his sidewalk chalk on the cement outside. I can't wait to plant flowers and sweet corn. YUMMMMM.